anatole Philosophy

anatole is what I named my company. It has very special meaning to me. It comes from Luke 1:78. In the older versions of the King James Bible, anatole is used to refer to the first light, morning star, the coming Messiah. It is in Zachariah's song that Zachariah declares that his son's name shall be John and John is the precursor to the coming Messiah which is Jesus. Then my story of anatole goes on from there! If you wnat to hear the entire story, feel free to email me.

No matter what your age it is time to begin taking care of your health, your body will thank you for it as you grow chronologically older. You notice I did not say metabolically or biologically older. I am all about healthspan; living younger, longer and enjoying every moment!

  • Metabolic Health

  • Toxin Free Living

  • Natural Solutions to Your Health

  • Active Lifestyle

Natural and Effective Health Solutions

Let Mother Nature Work Her Magic .


Only your body can heal itself. Mother Nature just lends it a hand.

Unleash the power of essential oils in your life! Only the best CPTG (Certified Pure Tested Grade) oils will do. Essential Oils are the first step to take control of your health , wellness and beauty naturally. I personally recommend only doTERRA essential oils. There is a difference. Learn more from this video: What is an essential oil?


Meet Kimberley and Explore Her Services

Kimberley Tyson

Kimberley worked in corporate America, running her own companies in addition to executive positions with luxury brand leaders in the home furnishings industry ; specializing in sales growth, sales management, distribution, marketing, and leadership development.
When it came to personal health and wellness, Kimberley always sought natural solutions to allow the body to take care of itself. She was ahead of the pack when it came to many areas of health. After several years of study with industry experts in the natural healthcare solutions arena; her passion for safe, effective, and affordable healthcare solutions is now her career path. Kimberley specializes in essential oils, and has lovingly been nicknamed The Oil Diva by her customers. Follow Kimberley on her
YouTube Channel.

Essential Oils

Everything we need to maintain a healthy body can be found in nature, just as God intended. Kimberley has studied the chemistry of essential oils and their subsequent targeted benefits for the body. But you don't need a chemistry degree to use essential oils! They are safe, effective, and cost pennies per dose. Let Kimberley guide you.

Aromatouch Technique

Aromatouch is not your typical massage, in fact it is not a massage at all! It is a technique developed by Dr. David Hill to address our immune system, our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, emotional balance, and physical comfort. Aromatouch is all about getting essential oils into your body. This is a technique that you can experience and learn to gift to others.

Essential Emotions

Essential oils work on the physical level for our bodies and the emotional level for our minds. It is estimated that 85% of all disease is based in the emotional realm. The roots of our health go back to the way we feel, how we perceive ourselves and others, and how we manifest our emotions. We all experience stress, but we need to manage and release unhealthy emotions that can be brought on by stress in everyday life. Kimberley is a certified Essentials Emotions Coach and is completing her Mental Health Coaching certification in the state of Virginia.


Transformational Coaching, Natural Health Solutions Education, Programs & Special Opportunities

What Is Your Area Of Interest?

Health and Beauty Topics

Metabolic Journey

We make decisions everyday that impact our health and wellness. As simple as a food choice, more rest, or eliminating toxins in our home and everyday products. Learn how you can improve you metabolic health with simple wellness decisions and why it matters.


The Aromatouch technique is exclusive to doTERRA and it can improve your health and wellness. You too can become certified in this amazing technique. After you have become acquainted with Aromatouch you can purchase your own Aromatouch kit at wholesale prices here That saves you 25%!.


Beauty Naturally

Beauty begins on the inside then manifests on the outside. Our outward appearance reflects our physical and emotional health. Let's be the best version of us we can be, inside and out!

Here is a quick look at tips for a healthy complexion from my favorite skincare source.

Essential Emotions

Essential Oils are key to one's complete health and that includes emotional health. CPTG oils will work to help our bodies and emotions, they have a dual purpose. Many scientists believe that 85% of all illnesses are emotionally based. After listening to doTERRA's Dr. Nicole Stevens, you can purchase your own Emotions Aromatherapy kit here. Included is a free Peeble Diffuser with a 25% discount!


Book A Free Private Wellness Consultation with Kimberley

I will meet you where you are on your health and wellness journey, and take you where you want to go!

Experience the Luxury of Yarrow/POM, Your Skin Will Thank You!

Do You Like What You See In The Mirror?

How do you look in the mirror? 👀✨ Pamper yourself with the doTERRA Yarrow/POM revitalizing eye mask and let the soothing ingredients work their magic, reducing puffiness, fine lines, and brightening your eyes. Feel refreshed and ready to take on the day! Try all the amazing Yarrow/POM skincare products.



What Kimberley's Clients Say About Her

"Kim is awesome. She is so knowledgeable and can help you with any specials needs.'


Gail McCord

Project Manager at Cardinal Health

"Knowing Kimberley for 18 years has afforded me the opportunity to observe her in both personal and business relationships. Her innate concern for others is demonstrated through her professionalism and integrity under any circumstances, including challenges. She truly cares for others and will always take extra steps to assist others with problem solving."


Ruth Mitchell-Golladay

Physical Therapist, Certified Animal Aromatherapist, Myofascial Release Therapist

"Kimberly is hands down the most knowledgeable person I know in her field.I have personally benefited from her essential oil recommendations. I urge you to view her videos, I know you will be enlightened and will benefit from her guidance."


Tim Gardner

President, Inspex Home Inspection

A Testimonial Letter from Don Assaid

I cannot thank you enough for turning me on to DoTerra essential oils. When you first mentioned over the phone that you thought you might be able to help me with the pain in my left ankle, I was highly skeptical. Apparently my ankle was injured when I was in a small plane crash back in 1981.

I had surgery due to severe lacerations from the seat frame and the injury was severe enough that it barely missed my tendon in the back of the ankle.   My ankle doctor believes that my present pain was being caused from this old injury and diagnosed me with a tear in my tendon that allowed the ligament to “pop out” without warning, resulting in instability and a couple of falls as it was like my foot wasn’t even there at times. When it did pop out, I was forced to walk sideways with my left foot and it would stay that way for hours.  

When you sent me the specially designed formula of a 6 oil blend, I immediately started applying it to the affected area twice a day. The results were amazing. I have been using this blend for over 3 months now and am rarely experiencing any pain in that area at all. If I overdo it (going up and down steps a lot, etc.) I just rub the mixture on it and the pain disappears in less than a minute.

I had purchased a $185 pair of Brooke shoes and wear inserts and have done physical therapy, bought exercise boards for my ankle and tried other topical solutions and none of it has had a lasting effect. Now, all I do is just apply the oil once or twice per day. We just returned from a two week vacation to Tennessee and to Branson, MO, where I walked daily, often for hours and my ankle never hurt a single time. Last night we went to a semi-formal affair and I was able to wear dress shoes for the first time in a couple of years and I had no pain at all.  

I have told a number of people how you have helped me and hope that this testimonial will move other “skeptics” to at least give it a try before undergoing painful surgery or having to continue to do physical therapy.  

Thanks again for taking the time to tell me about DoTerra and how it can help with various pains in our bodies. Now I tell everyone about what it has done for me.  

Don Assaid

1267 Westmoreland Loop

The Villages, FL 32162

(540) 556-8653

Call 540-924-3376


Kimberley Tyson 2024 571 Hardbarger Rd., Buchanan, VA 24066 Privacy Policy/Terms of Use

Kimberley is not a medical doctor, but a Wellness Advocate who continues to study alternative, natural solutions to health. Nothing on this site is intended to diagnosis or make medical claims.